What we do
Our efforts are targeted towards people of all ages. Whether you’re a student, working professional, or simply a concerned citizen who cares about animal welfare, you can participate and contribute to disseminating information about animal welfare.
Guided tours consist of a 15-minute tour of the PAWS compound and a 20-minute lecture. A maximum number of 25 people per group may take the tour at any given time.
Each participant is asked to donate one (1) tall can of cat food. The organizers will also be furnished with the PAWS’ shelter wish list so that they can launch collection drives for new or second-hand items that may be useful to the shelter animals.
A PAWS Humane Education Speaker may also be invited to visit schools to conduct a 20-minute lecture on responsible pet ownership and proper care of pets.
We request that transport be provided for our volunteer speaker/s. The school will also be furnished with the PAWS’ shelter wish list so that they can launch collection drives for new or second-hand items that may be useful to the shelter animals.
Interviews may be conducted with our authorized staff and volunteers for thesis and research, provided the information gathered is used for educational purposes only and PAWS will be given a hard and electronic copy of their work (research paper, thesis, report, reaction paper, video assignment). Students will also be asked to donate a stack of old newspapers at least one foot high, or a tall can of wet cat food.
We request that students visit the FAQ’s on our website prior to the interview to save time and avoid redundant information.
Seminars are conducted in barangays to discuss responsible pet ownership and proper are of pets. These lectures also cover animal welfare laws, animal control and pound management.
We request that transport be provided for the speaker. There should be at least 20 guaranteed attendees, an indoor or covered venue, access to electricity, and funds provided for photocopied materials.
Please schedule at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Your appointment is not confirmed until you hear from our Education Officer via phone or email. Because of the number of messages we receive everyday, we may be unable to get back to you right away. Please bear with us. We appreciate your patience.