Shelter Cleaning Program

With only 3 caretakers looking after 300+ shelter animals, keeping the shelter clean can be a challenge. The PAWS Shelter Cleaning Program is a practical, low-budget way to help out at the shelter.

Cleaning may sound like an unexciting task, but a clean shelter is essential to keeping the animals healthy and happy.

What to bring

We keep cleaning materials in the shelter, however the consumables tend to run out very quickly. To ensure that there is no shortage, please bring/donate the following:

  • Pail and dippers (tabo)
  • Detergent powder
  • Bleach
  • Deck brushes
  • Brooms
  • Dust pans
  • Rags
  • XXL garbage bags
  • Old newspapers

Shelter Cleaning Guidelines

1. To make this a worthwhile experience for your group, we recommend a minimum of 3 participants.

2. YES to pants, lightweight and durable tops, and closed shoes. NO to shorts, skirts, revealing tops, and slippers. Prepare to get wet! A change of clothes is recommended.

3. The shelter animals are vaccinated, but it’s best if participants have rabies and tetanus shots. If not, please refrain from handling the animals as a precaution.