Spay/Neuter ("Kapon")

Spay (verb) : to remove the ovaries of a female animal
Neuter (verb) : to remove the testicles of a male animal


1. First, ensure that your cat or dog is at least 6 months old. There is no maximum age but your pet must be healthy.

Notes: If your pet had undergone cesarean section or any major surgery in relation to their reproductive organ, please book at another vet clinic as we are not equipped to do the surgery as these cases also need confinement which is not available at the PAWS clinic.
If your pets are recently vaccinated or planning to be vaccinated, we recommend scheduling their spay/neuter surgery either two weeks before or two weeks after their vaccination appointment. Our veterinarian advises against performing these procedures too close together, as this can cause undue stress to your pet.

2. Get a blood test: Blood testing (CBC, SGPT, CREA) is required for mixed/purebred pets or pets older than 4 years, but still strongly recommended for younger or healthy looking pets at least 2-7 days before the kapon appointment .

*A Blood test package for CBC, SGPT & CREA is available at the PAWS clinic for only P1,250 (inclusive of check-up)
PAWS can only accommodate blood testing at 8:30 am on Monday and Thursday for confirmed clients with reservation of P250.

The blood test at PAWS clinic may be scheduled by our staff prior to the kapon schedule as results cannot be released on the same day. Please also be informed that we do not recommend pursuing blood tests for in-heat female dogs.

3. Take photos: You will be asked to submit photos of your pet’s head, body top view, body side view, and genitals.

Note: Photos of brachycephalic breed (short-nose dogs), small breeds and overweight breeds are needed to be evaluated first by our veterinarian before getting their blood test as some of them cannot be accommodated at the PAWS clinic as they may need to be confined which is not available at PAWS.

4. Pay online: You will be asked to complete your payment  at least 3 days prior to your chosen appointment before a PAWS staff confirm your kapon appointment. You will only be charged the base rate. Additional fees, if any, will be computed on the day of surgery.

Ready with the above requirements?


Native Female cat – P1,000
Native Male cat – P700

Native Female dog up to 15kg – P1,500
Native Female dog between 16-20kg – P2,000
Native Female dog between 21-24kg – P2,500
Native Female dog between 25-35kg – P5,000
Native Male dog up to 15kg – P1,000
Native Male dog between 16-20kg– P1,500

Additional fees (to be determined on the day of surgery)

+ P500 for mixed and purebred cats
+ P1,000 for mixed and purebred dogs
+ P500 for pregnant cats
+ P1000 for pregnant dogs
+ P300-P500 for male cats with undescended testicle/s
+ P500-P1000 for male dogs with undescended testicle/s
+ P500 for female cats with pyometra
+ P1,000 for female dogs with pyometra
+ P500 for every 5 kg in excess of 35kg body weight (Females)
+ P500 for every 5 kg in excess of 20kg body weight (Males)

If your pet is determined to be in a delicate or special condition on the day of surgery, the vet may recommend:

+ P2,000 – P3,000 for use of gas anesthesia

Pre-surgery reminders:


Why should I spay/neuter my pet?

In addition to avoiding unwanted litters, they will also avoid a number of illnesses and infections if they are neutered, therefore helping them live longer and happier lives. 

Can my pet die from the surgery?

Spay and neuter surgeries are safe procedures. The risks are not related to the surgery itself, but to pre-existing conditions that your pet may have. This is why we require a blood test to ensure that your pet is healthy before the surgery. Complications may arise during the procedure, but that is also the case with any other type of surgery, and it is relatively rare. 

Is it true that I should wait until they have their first litter before spaying/neutering?

There is no scientific basis for this. In fact, science tells us that it’s better to spay /neuter your pet before their first heat. Waiting for a first litter is completely unnecessary — even risky, since complications may arise while giving birth and it could be fatal. 

Do you offer free spay/neuter surgery?

We offer free kapon at the shelter every February. Please follow our Facebook or Instagram for updates on when the next one is scheduled and how to register. You may also coordinate with your LGU and request to organize a kapon outreach in your area.

Can you spay/neuter the stray cats in our neighborhood?

Yes, but it has to be under an organized TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) program with your community. Proper TNVR is the ONLY sustainable solution to our stray population problems. Learn more about TNVR here. 

Will my pet gain weight after being spayed/neutered?

Physiological and hormonal changes may affect your pet’s metabolism and appetite, making them prone to weight gain. 

Can spaying/neutering fix my pet’s behavioral problems?

It can only reduce undesirable behavior that is caused by the heat cycle, such as aggressiveness, marking or spraying, or the tendency to run away to search for a mate. Proper training is still the best way to have a well-mannered pet.